Personal Growth & Greater Contentment
Dr. Arbaugh is a professional helper and a teacher of counselors. He has begun a form of helping called Integrative Dialogue (ID). This is not counseling or psychotherapy and is much less formal. People who have experienced ID give feedback that they like the relaxed atmosphere, while still getting the help they need to have personal growth and a healthier, happier life.
My education comes from a variety of backgrounds, starting my academic studies in a Christian college, working for years as a public school teacher, then finishing my Master’s degree and working again before achieving a Ph.D. The learning that makes helping most effective is twofold, involving the creative perspective and the didactic component from research, books, internships and supervision. My goal is to create a safe place for people to express the many thoughts and emotions they need to share in order for personal growth to take place.

Walking along side a person who is struggling with one or many issues is a vital component of what I do. I enjoy the challenges of helping a person or a couple to have a better life, better relationship or more meaningful existence.
Curriculum Vitae
- Solo Private Practice, West Beverley St., Staunton, VA
- Augusta Psychological Associates, Staunton & Waynesboro, VA
- Private Practice Counseling and Consultation, Staunton & Harrisonburg, VA
- Eastern Mennonite University, Associate Professor
- University of Southern Mississippi, Assistant Professor, Psychology
- Augusta State University (Now Regents University), Counselor Educator
- Psychological Specialists of Augusta, Georgia, Private Practice Counselor
- St. Joseph Hospice, Consultant/Supervisor
- Health Recovery Services, Mental Health/Substance Abuse Counselor
- Safe House, Mental Health Services to Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
- Ohio University, Graduate Assistant
- Licking Heights Local Schools, School Counselor
- Utica City Schools, Junior High School Counselor
- Niijima Gakuen, English Teacher
- South Central High School, Teacher, Director, Coach
- Ohio University, Doctor of Philosophy
Counselor Education Athens, Ohio; Conferred, 1994 - Bowling Green State University, Master of Education
Guidance and Counseling Bowling Green, Ohio; Conferred, 1989 - Mt.Vernon Nazarene University, Bachelor of Arts
Communications and Education Mt. Vernon, Ohio; Conferred, 1982
- Active member in American Counseling Association
- Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
- Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
- Virginia Counselor’s Association
November: Arbaugh, T. - Cyber challenged: Working with adolescents and evolving technology. Presentation for The Department of Graduate Counseling. New Castle, DE.
October: Arbaugh, T. - Cyber challenged: Adolescents and evolving technology. Presentation for The Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow Teachers and Counselors. Columbus, OH.
May: Tillman, K.S. & Arbaugh, T - Help seeking behaviors of high school girls who self-harm: A phenomenological study.
March: Arbaugh, T. - Cyber challenged: Working with adolescents to survive the disasters of rapidly evolving technology. Presentation for The American Counseling Association Annual Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
2012: Tillman, K. S., Arbaugh, T., & Balaban, M. S. - Campus programming for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: An investigation of stigma, help-seeking, and resource knowledge. Eating Behaviors, 13(3), 281-284.
March: Arbaugh, T. - Bisexuality: The silent B in the alphabet soup of the LGBTQ community. Presentation for The American Counseling Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.
2004: Arbaugh, T. - Through a glass, darkly. In R. Kreider (Ed.). The cost of truth. Boston; New England Press.
March: Arbaugh, T. & Tillman, K. - Transitioning into school counseling programs: Avoiding pitfalls and finding your niche. Presentation for Virginia School Counselor’s Conference. Charlottesville, Virginia.
2003: Arbaugh, T. - Dealing with dimensions of diverse populations. In R. L. Dingman & J. D. Weaver (Eds.), Days in the lives of Counselors. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
November: Arbaugh, T., Peckruhn, H., & Gascho, K. - Addressing lesbain and gay students in the school; A spiritual and holistic approach. Presentation for Virginia Counselor’s Association, Annual Conference. Williamsburg, Virginia.
March: Carr, D., Coker, P., Arbaugh, T., Sheperis, C., & Adams, S. - A model for training LPC supervisiors. Presentation workshop for The American Counseling Association Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA.
2002: Arbaugh, T. - Counseling the bisexual client. In L. Burlow, & D. Capuzzi (Eds.), Sexuality Counseling. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
April: Arbaugh, T. - Bi-sexual and bi-cultural. Presentation for The American Counseling Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
February: Arbaugh, T. - Diversity Sensitivity in Counselor Supervision. LPC Supervision training workshop for Mississippi Association of Licensed Professional Counselors. Jackson, MS.
November: Arbaugh, T. - Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity Training. Workshop for the Handcock County Court Appointed Special Advocate Program. Bay St. Louis, MS.
November: Huey, W, Paisley, P., & Arbaugh, T. - Ethics and the school counselor. Presented at the Georgia School Counselor’s Association. Atlanta, Georgia.
November: Arbaugh, T. - Sexual abuse and the school counselor. Presentation to the Georgia School Counselor’s Association. Augusta, Georgia.
November: Huey, W., & Arbaugh, T. - Forum for school counselors on ethical and legal matters. Presentation at the Georgia School Counselor’s Association. Augusta, Georgia.
February: Arbaugh, T. - Teaching school counselors. Presentation for Douglas Elementary School. Trenton, South Carolina.
March: Arbaugh, T. - Tips for coping with stress. Workshop for Lamar Elementary Teachers and Staff. Augusta, Georgia.
October: Hoffman, J.R., & Arbaugh, T. - Graduate student’s first convention. Counseling Today. Future trends in school counseling. In-service workshop for Richmond County School Counselors.
April: Arbaugh, T. - Dancing with the dark side: How men cope with sexual abuse. Presentation to The American Counseling Association. Denver, Colorado.
1994: Arbaugh, T. - Missionary stress: How can we the home team, help? Missionary Tidings. pp. 10-11.
April: Arbaugh, T. - Dancing with the dark side: A qualitative study of the life reports of men who have experienced sexual abuse. Doctoral Dissertation. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
February: Arbaugh, T. - Missionary stress: How can we the home team, help? Missionary Tidings. pp. 10-11.
- Language ability in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and American Sign Language
- International travel and cross-culture experiences
- Certified Yoga Instructor
- Hiking, biking, music, theater